Canada-based Crypto King held 3-days captive for $3 m

Investments that appear too good to be accurate are, for a reason. The best possible outcome is for investors who bet on someone’s fortune to lose their money and later submit claims. In a recent occurrence in Canada, Aiden Pleterski, also known as Crypto King, went bankrupt and was later discovered to have been taken captive by kidnappers for a staggering $3 million. Even though this tastes like a cherry, the origins of this dish are far more profound than one might assume.

Crypto King, which was not bankrupt, had asked investors to invest their money for him to create a pool and then direct that investment into cryptocurrency. The markets reportedly took a downturn, and Aiden lost tons of money. He tried getting some money back, but his efforts went down the drain.

Fair enough, another side of the story alleges that Crypto King committed fraud by wrongfully utilizing the investment for his own lifestyle.

If reports are to be believed, Aiden’s investors provided him with around $41.5 million. The commitment was to put all that money into cryptocurrency. Instead, he allegedly invested less than 2% of the total pool into the crypto market and spent the remaining portion of the investment on himself.

So far, self-spending has included renting private jets, buying expensive cars, and going on vacations to exotic places. The amount that he has invested in cryptocurrency is turning out to be around $670,000.

If true, Crypto King could be in serious trouble. It remains to be seen if kidnapping is a cover-up or if someone is trying to get the money back.

Per the filings and testimony of his father, Dragan Pleterski, the 23-year-old was taken and held captive for 3 days. He was driven around, tortured, and eventually let go with the threat of arranging $3 million to save himself from more trouble. Aiden was only allowed to make specific calls, including to his landlord, Sandeep Gupta, for whom he asked for $3 million.

Kidnappers clearly asked Crypto King not to contact law enforcement agencies.

That ship appears to have sailed just like it did in November 2021, when Crypto King’s father says the trouble began. Also, this is one of the statements about how he lost the money. Dragan said the crypto market started falling from its all-time high, and investments went for a toss. Crypto King began taking some aggressive positions to get some money back. He also, out of greed, started seeking returns that were not feasible.

The investigation is yet to conclude for the final statement, after which Crypto King’s status will be crystal clear.

So far, claims worth approximately $25 million have been filed. The number stands true when drafting this article, with the same being time-sensitive depending on how many more claims have been filed.

Both stories are being investigated, and the fate of the Crypto King depends on how the Toronto Police finally concluded the investigation.

Sara Gillard: Sara Gillard is media focused research analyst and strategist with a background in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. She contributes latest news and insights into digital economy at a global level. She holds investments in BTC and several altcoins. She is optimistic about potential of cryptocurrencies. In her free time, she enjoys running and aerobics.