Brazilian Cryptocurrency Exchange, NovaDAX integrates with Dash

A leading cryptocurrency exchange from Brazil, NovaDAX, has added Dash, which includes fiat trading sets, and also conducts a competition to promote Dash; thereby, clients can earn free Dash. Moreover, Dash was added this week with NovaDAX, a reputed exchange which was established in 2018.

NovaDAX platform has a variable payment structure for purchasing and selling cryptocurrency. The charges will be dependent on subscription status, called Novawards, and it ranges from 0.03 percent, which is the most expensive range to 0.07 percent to lowest expensive range.

Moreover, a segment of the integration incorporates a competition where clients can win free Dash by exchanging the maximum amount of Dash between September 9 and September 20. The highest Dash merchant will win 1 Dash and the next, second to tenth traders will equally split the remaining 1 Dash.

Besides, the exchange will be backing Dash with exchanging sets in Bitcoin, Brazilian Real, and Tether. Apart from trading, NovaDax likewise offers a very elaborate library of cryptocurrency fundamentals and training on trading for people.

After Integrating with NovaDAX, Dash further expands beyond South America with new trade combinations and merchant adoption. Before the end of 2019, exchanges like, CoinBene, 3xbit, and XDEX have all included Dash, which enormously extends liquidity over the nation.

Over and Above, Colombia and Venezuela are the two nations who have adopted Dash actively. Currently, in Colombia, Dash was integrated with the Daex exchange. With the Expansion of Dash, it empowered people to send Dash using the non-smart phone by using Dash Text, which is used by 59 percent of Colombians.

Dash continues to develop far and wide around the world, as more and more prominent cryptocurrency services past Brazil continues to integrate Dash into their foundation. Just recently, in addition to NovaDAX, Coinbase Pro declared that it would incorporate Dash this month, which will give liquidity to Dash to all of Coinbase Pro’s servicing regions, with New York State and the United Kingdom as an exception.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.