Bondly Joins Hands with DOS Network to Promote DeFi

Leading decentralized oracle channel offering support to several mainstream blockchains, DOS Network has announced its strategic partnership with Bondly, a secured DeFi swap service portal. The integrating firms will work together to create trustable data feeds with a special emphasis on developing core functional areas and services. The collaboration will aid both the entities in revolutionizing the DeFi space by offering user-focused service channels.

According to the report, DOS Network will provide streamlined access to transparent, reliable, and economic oracle network the Bondly community. This will play a significant role in supporting DeFi OTC Trading, NFTs, and digital products for the investors. The partnership will aid the operability of the legacy marketspaces involved in the purchase and sale of native digital goods such as domain names for the users.

Regarding the integration, Brandon Smith, CEO of Bondly, stated that his team is elated to work with the DOS Network. They are keen to take advantage of the flexible, cost-effective, and highly scalable oracle network provided by DOS. The services will help launch a new and improved product range and crucial advanced changes in the NFT dealing. He added that the integration would fuel DeFi adoption by making it more accessible and easier. They will design new token standards and resources via DOS’s interoperability feature that connects multiple blockchains like Polkadot and Cosmos.

Important Areas of Partnership Work

Bondly and DOS Network will lay their joint efforts in the following key areas of operations:

  • Accurate price reference data for OTC trading (for both purchasers and sellers)
  • Data related to public domain registration
  • Gaming portals asset transfer or ownership information
  • Valuation metric data related to a social media account

Jerry Liu, Director of Product of DOS Network, stated that the team would make Bondly as one of its vendors. As both the teams have the same objectives, they will be working closely to achieve them quickly. The spearhead added that the teams have kickstarted their joint operations while working out the implementation modules.

DOS Network works as a permission-less P2P distributed layer 2 network that supports many potential blockchains seamlessly. One can use the client software to join the network and then deposit the prescribed volume of native tokens to earn rewards. The portal aspires to leverage real-world data, information, computation capacity, and event to smart contracts that are highly secured, transparent, and scalable.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.