BlockchainArmy Chairman Expressed Views on Various Blockchain Applications at UN Geneva

The UN Geneva meet organized by ONUART Foundation to include Blockchain technology to UN 2020 Agenda, saw some of the industry’s leading experts sharing their views on the varied applications of the blockchain technology. They unanimously agreed upon the fact that blockchain technology has that robust potential to transform the global economy into something more improved and better.

Among the eminent guests were, Jose Louiz Rodriguez Zapatero, Ex-Prime Minister of Spain,  Shaukat Aziz, Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan, Che Fu, President of World Public Welfare Organization,  Juan Antonio March, President of ONUART Foundation, Philosopher Kenneth Pushkin and Erol User, Co-founder, and Chairman of BlockchianArmy, who took to the stage and elaborated the various applications of the blockchain technology on various sectors like healthcare, finance, quality assurance, data protection, and media.


Erol User said that if Blockchain has transformed any industry from its roots, it is the Finance Industry. As such, the finance sector has undergone a revolutionary change since the inception of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Already banks and other financial institutions have begun implementing blockchain technology in their various operations, given the manifold benefits that blockchain has brought forward, starting from the accessibility of funds to combating thefts and frauds to offering customers protection.

Health Care

According to Erol User, implementing blockchain technology in the health care sectors will allow patients to access rules for their medical data thereby permitting various researchers to access their data for a fixed period. With blockchain technology, patients can also easily connect to other hospitals for collecting their medical data. Blockchain can make the medical records of patients readily available wherever the patients are, and also prescriptions can be handled on a more secure and flawless platform.

Data protection

Because of the inherent attributes of blockchain technology, blockchain can provide immutable storage of data and can provide maximum data protection, that no other technologies can ever compete with. All kinds of personal as well as potentially sensitive information can be stored across the blockchain platform without worrying about data tampering and manipulations.

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is very important, especially in the pharmaceutics and the food processing sector. It is desirable that the medicines that are tested in the laboratories and tested positive for the quality assurance go to the supply chain networks unaltered and unadulterated. However, due to some dishonest dealers between the network, some medicines tamper and fake ones go into the supply chain. To break this dishonest chain, pharmaceutical companies are implementing blockchain technology in their quality assurance programs to eliminate the possible contamination and tampering of the medicines.


Blockchain has the robust potential to disrupt the ways in which the media contents are produced, distributed, aggregated and consumed. From digital advertising to royalty distribution to pay-per-use media consumption etc, blockchain technology is revolutionizing the entire media industry.

Therefore, blockchain has the potential to benefit our society in countless ways. As such, blockchain is making all other industries disruptive and taking over our lives permanently and a day will come when blockchain technology will be a part of our everyday lives.

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.