BitMax.io Launches Referral Programs for Both the BitMax Platform Users and Ambassadors

BitMax.io, the global operator for cryptocurrency exchanges catering to the needs of the diverse groups of clients (retail and institutional) has recently announced to launch 2 Futures Referral programs. The first program is meant for all the users of Bitmax, whereas the second program is a VIP program meant exclusively for the BitMax ambassadors.

The referral programs employed by BitMax.io Futures is focused on incentivizing the users for referring others to use their network. Existing users referring to others are known as “BitMax.io Affiliates” who can receive up to 40% of the total trading fees as Affiliate Commissions, paid by the new users, who the existing users refer for using the BitMax network. Each payout is made in USDT, directly into the wallet of the Affiliate’s BitMax.io. Moreover, a BitMax.io affiliate can redistribute up to 1% of its Affiliate Commissions to the Referred users.

New users who sign-up using the referral code of the BitMax.io Affiliates, are flagged as a referred user for that respective BitMax.io Affiliate. These users can receive up to 10% fee discount for 1 year after they sign-up.

However, for the second referral program launched by BitMax which is flagged as VIP accounts, are not eligible to be counted as Referred Users for Affiliate Commission payouts, but nevertheless, their trade activity will be counted towards the Aggregated Trade Volume for the BitMax.io Affiliates who have referred them.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.