Bitails: Blockchain explorer designed to handle ‘1B transactions a day’ on Bitcoin

In the rapidly evolving world of Blockchain technology, Bitails emerges as a groundbreaking Blockchain explorer and API service. Its remarkable capability to process up to one billion transactions daily on the Bitcoin Blockchain positions it as a pivotal player in the Blockchain arena.

What is Bitails?

Bitails is not just another Blockchain explorer; it is a sophisticated platform designed to index, archive, and manage Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) on Bitcoin. It is a vital tool for developers and companies, providing APIs and sockets for seamless Blockchain interactions.

Key Features

  • UTXO management: Efficient handling of unspent transaction outputs, crucial for transaction processing.
  • API offerings: Comprehensive APIs for various Blockchain interactions, enhancing developer experience.
  • Mainnet and testnet support: Services available for both the Bitcoin mainnet and testnet, catering to a wide range of use cases.

The Need for Scalability in Blockchain Technology

Challenges in Blockchain scalability

Blockchain networks often grapple with the challenge of efficiently processing large volumes of transactions. Scalability issues can increase transaction times and costs, hindering widespread adoption.

Bitails solution

Bitails addresses these scalability challenges head-on. By redesigning its architecture, Bitails ensures it can handle massive transaction volumes without compromising speed or efficiency, making it a robust solution in the Blockchain space.

Stress Testing for Scalability

Stress tests

Bitails embarked on a mission to rewrite its service from scratch, aiming to handle an astounding one billion daily transactions. Bitails conducted a series of stress tests on Bitcoin to validate this ambitious goal in the Fall of 2023. These tests were crucial in assessing the robustness and scalability of Bitails newly architected system.

The stress tests were divided into two distinct phases. The first phase focused on measuring transactions per second (TPS), using basic transactions with one input and output. This phase saw Bitails injecting 450 million transactions into the Blockchain over 3-4 days. The second phase was more intricate, targeting the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) set. It involved transactions with a single input and over 200,000 outputs, aiming to expand the UTXO set from 350 million to over 1 billion.

Results and implications

The outcomes of these stress tests were pivotal for Bitails. In the first phase, despite the initial plan to push 1 billion transactions in two days, some transactions were ignored by miners, leading to a compromise on the total number. However, the second phase brought more promising results. It successfully tested the UTXO handler of Bitails, although it did encounter some node crashes, the causes of which are under investigation.

These stress tests demonstrated Bitails ability to withstand high scalability demands. The service’s horizontal design proved capable of handling significant transaction loads, affirming the platform’s readiness to support future orders on the Bitcoin network. The tests also revealed the need for continuous improvement and adaptation. Bitails did not require significant changes between the two test phases but used the insights gained to enhance system performance.

The implications of these tests are far-reaching. They validate Bitails’ claim of handling one billion transactions daily and highlight the platform’s potential in revolutionizing Blockchain transaction processing. The successful handling of large UTXO sets opens new avenues for Bitails, particularly in IoT networks using IPv6, where secure and efficient communication is paramount.

The stress tests conducted by Bitails mark a significant milestone in Blockchain scalability. They showcase the platform’s ability to handle massive transaction volumes efficiently and reliably, setting a new benchmark in the Blockchain industry. As Bitails continues to evolve and improve, it stands as a testament to the innovative possibilities within the Blockchain space.

Envisioning the Future with Bitails in Blockchain Technology

Bitails is not just a Blockchain explorer; it’s a comprehensive solution designed to address the critical needs of scalability and efficiency in the Blockchain world. Its ability to handle one billion transactions daily on the Blockchain sets a new standard in Blockchain technology. As the Blockchain landscape continues to evolve, Bitails is well-positioned to play a significant role in shaping its future.

Aarav Ghosh: Aarav Ghosh is a sub editor and contributor to NameCoinNews who specializes in covering latest stories and headlines of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Additionally, he also covers latest news related to FinTech industry. He is a firm believer of next big transformation of world economy in terms of digitalization.