Beware of These Five Mistakes While Filing Your Crypto Taxes

Cryptocurrencies have gained a substantial amount of momentum in the present era as investors and business heads have started showing trust in its potential. With the evolvement of profits and income accrued from digital currencies, there has been a grown concern for crypto tax filing as well from the regulatory bodies.

There has always been a sense of doubt amongst the traders and investors about the filing of crypto taxes. In an attempt to tighten the grip on crypto-concerned entities and enthusiasts, the IRS has tried to throw light on the most crucial issues related to taxation. Also, to curb illicit practices, the IRS has started slapping down the people who are involved in crypto tax evasion. Recently, nearly 10,000 investors received official letters from IRS.

The strict rules and regulations have made it alarmingly important for investors to consider tax filing as an important issue. This article will highlight a few of the most commonly made mistakes and will also guide you on how to avoid them easily.

Counting Crypto As Currency And Not Property:

Contrary to the general belief, IRS classifies cryptocurrencies as property and not a currency. This turns out to be the base for the most elementary mistake as people consider crypto to be digital currency in a more general sense. As IRS considers crypto to be property, the provisions of capital gains tax will be applicable to cryptocurrency transactions as well. If the cryptocurrency is kept in possession for less than a year, then it will accrue Short Term Capital Gains Tax or else, Long Term Capital Gains Tax is to be paid.

Failing To Take Notice of Previous Years’ Transactions

It is crucial for an investor to keep records of his transactions of the previous years as well while filing the current year tax. For example, if a person is selling his bitcoin purchased in 2016, in the current year 2018, then it is important to be aware of the value at which the crypto was bought back then. By knowing the purchase price, the person can ascertain the profit/loss for his transaction. In case you have failed to keep records of your previous year transactions; you can employ crypto tax software for easy calculations.

Accounting Crypto Received As Income And Crypto Trading Similarly

Sometimes a person earns cryptocurrency as a part of their salary or through mining. The crypto earned as part of one’s income should be accounted for like a portion of income at the time when received. For doing this, one needs to find out the true value of the digital currency on the day it was credited into the account. It should be then added to the taxable income. Later, at the time of selling this cryptocurrency, one needs to pay the capital gains tax.

Considering Only Those Transactions Where Cryptocurrencies are Converted Into Fiat

There is a misconception amongst the crypto traders that they have to pay crypto taxes when they trade their cryptocurrency against fiat currency. However, in reality, as per the IRS regulations, every crypto transaction is taxable. For example, if you bought Bitcoin for $1000 and traded it for $1500 Ripple during the year, you will have to pay capital gains tax on $500, which turns to be the profit.

Ignoring Losses While Filing Your Tax Returns

Crypto losses should be traded like common property losses as they help in limiting taxable capital gains. This implies that if a person has suffered any loss in a crypto transaction, one can use the loss to offset the capital gains. One can use these capital setbacks to offset up to $3,000 of income.

The Concluding Tip

With the growing strictness of the IRS over tax evaders, it is crucial for the crypto investors to file their current and future tax returns in a correct manner. Also, it is necessary to opt for amendment, if necessary, concerning the returns of previous years. In case if you feel reluctant to abide by the crypto tax regulations, you can appoint a Bitcoin tax accountant who, in turn, can help you save more money in the future.

Vivaan Shah: Vivaan Shah is a professional Forex and Cryptocurrency Market Analyst with a background in Finance. He has worked in several foremost publications before getting into NameCoinNews. He has been involved in the cryptocurrency for years. He loves to spend his free time in recording podcasts for crypto beginners. He also enjoys to explore cryptocurrency products.