Best blockchain events in Dubai | navigate, network in 2024!

Blockchain technology has safely carved its way into the world. Multiple companies and startups are looking to leverage its potential to the fullest. A region that is heavily assisting the rise of the industry is Dubai. A city in the UAE, Dubai has emerged as a global hub for innovation, backed by progressive government policies. Dubai is also assisting the growth of innovation by making it convenient for companies to plan meetups, conferences, and seminars.

The article covers details of upcoming blockchain events in Dubai, helping interested participants navigate their way to the best option.

Factors to consider when choosing a blockchain event

One should consider many factors before committing to any blockchain event, irrespective of the place hosting the event. These are one’s interests, cost & focus of the event, list of speakers, and target audience.


The Blockchain sphere comes loaded with a lot of elements. This includes, with no limitation whatsoever, non-fungible tokens, decentralized finance, and Web3. A single event may not cover every aspect of the industry. It can limit the discussion to circle certain elements only. For instance, an event may just talk about DeFi – current & future trends, for example.

Target audience

A set of audiences differs based on their occupations. Events may only talk about something that interests investors, entrepreneurs, or both by providing funding and investment opportunities. Similarly, some events may only interest developers by talking about tools and insights of the market.

Event focus

Conferences have a theme to decide their path. Some may talk about regulations across the globe, technical advancements, and the technology’s adoption rate. Participants who know about global regulations may not want to discuss adopting the technology, for it could get more technical – something engineers and developers focus on.

Speakers and panels

Industry leaders and prominent speakers are always the key to a conference. Notable personalities drive a heavy footfall to an event, Blockchain, or Web3. Plus, panel discussions allow participants to interact with them and take home first-hand learning experiences.

Networking opportunities

Events conclude with networking opportunities for all the participants. This could cover extending the network with like-minded participants or connecting with industry leaders. Choose an event that specifically mentions networking opportunities for all participants.

Cost and registration

This pertains to the price a participant pays to enroll in a blockchain event and the registration process’s convenience. A ticket cost may cover only the basics at a high price while other events roll out the same benefit for a more economical experience.

A comparative look at top blockchain events

Participants can explore different blockchain events with ease by going through the table drawn below.

Event Name Dates Location Theme/Focus Target Audience Website
Global Blockchain Show April 16-17, 2024 Grand Hyatt Dubai Web3/Blockchain Open to all GBS
World Blockchain Summit April 22-23, 2024 Dubai Blockchain Open to all WBS
Blockchain Life April 15-16, 2024 Dubai Blockchain Open to all BL
Crypto Expo May 20-21, 2024 Dubai World Trade Center DeFi Traders and investors CE

Events open to all appeal to participants with diverse backgrounds – development, investment, and trading, to mention a few. Dubai is hosting all the major events, making it easy for participants to move from one event to another.


It is imperative to consider factors before deciding which event to engage with. Not every event may please a developer, and not every event may be useful for investors. At the core of it all, choose the event that offers networking opportunities and insights about the market.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.