BEN Joins the Celo Alliance for Prosperity to Get More People Under Financial Inclusion

The coming together of the Blockchain Education Network (BEN) and Celo Alliance for Prosperity can be easily considered as one of the most important developments in the blockchain space. This agreement has been done with the prime objective of getting more people under financial inclusion, and in that regard, the blockchain technology from the Celo and resources of BEN is definitely going to help to a great extent.


Finer Details

BEN is a well-recognized name when it comes to providing opportunities and educational material to students all across the globe. According to the new partnership, BEN will educate newcomers about the technology platform of the Celo. In addition, BEN will also involve in providing training to the developers in order to develop new applications, especially with the focus on financial inclusion.


Just so you know, the Celo foundation created the Celo Alliance in March 2020 and has got a number of credible names as its members. The inclusion of the BEN can be easily seen in the light of expansion that the alliance is going through with more and more members joining the alliance for a shared cause of financial inclusion. The alliance is credited with completing a number of wonderful initiatives across the globe, which has won it rave reviews and accolades from different sections of the society. Take, for instance, the initiative of the alliance where it donated rewards in Kenya to those who were involved in running pilot projects or planting the tree in the country.



This association is definitely going to add to the momentum of financial inclusion cause that is being run so enthusiastically by the Celo Alliance. BEN has got a robust infrastructure in terms of providing educational and awareness material to the students, which bode well for the cause of financial literacy and inclusion. In the coming months, it will be interesting to witness how this association will pan out and how much value the BEN the intrusion brings to the table.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.