Antelope IBC to transform blockchain network functions

The interaction between blockchain networks is poised to undergo a radical transformation thanks to Antelope IBC, a groundbreaking solution built for Antelope-enhanced chains.

Inter-blockchain communication (IBC) is currently a significant technology within the blockchain industry. It enables the communication between various blockchains to continue uninterruptedly.

With IBC, two blockchains can communicate with one another and share information about their respective ledgers, opening the door for further interactions between them. IBC also provides access to a wide range of possibilities. It gives governance utility tokens the chance to profit from several blockchains and launches the process of carrying out transaction routing for the purposes of upgrading GameFi projects. The Antelope IBC enables customers to carry out transactions without the intervention of a third party. Executing the bride system at the lower level of the chain is its primary duty.1

At the present point in time, the Antelope chains realize finality in the blink of an eye. This helps open the doors for further enhancement compared to various networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum. In order to take things to a higher level, the Antelope coalition delivered Instant Finality dynamism. Instant Finality makes use of the HotStuff system, which provides the option for block producers to be able to come to an agreement on finalizing a particular block in a very swift manner. This, in turn, helps Antelope chains attain finality in almost no time, creating surety for users that transactions carried out in finalized blocks cannot be reversed.  

Antelope IBC and Instant Finality running on WAX facilitate integration with elastic sidechains for developers. By moving transactions to parallel sidechains, solutions like Antelope IBC and Instant Finality can prevent throughput constraints that blockchains are vulnerable to. Tokens issued on the main chain do not require additional validators in order to exert authority over side-chain resources and operations. This improves throughput and allows for more people to be served.

By putting IBC into action, Antelope Coalition participants can choose to have their conventional tokens integrated with WAX, EOS, Telos, and UX Networks. The significant IBC smart contracts that are on the WAX blockchain are proof authentication, as well as wrap lock EOS, wrap lock TLOS, wrap lock UX, wrap token EOS, wrap token TLOS, and wrap token UX. There are numerous benefits introduced by Antelope IBC where the DeFi arena on WAX and Antelope chains are concerned. Users can carry out asset shifting among Antelope networks and have access to staking possibilities.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.