AllianceBlock-AIKON Merger to Provide Easy Blockchain Ecosystems

In a partnership of strategic interest, AllianceBlock has come together with AIKON to power the widespread blockchain adoption in the financial technology domain. Significantly, this partnership will benefit the companies in the traditional finance space, which means the possibility of blockchain adoption will get a solid boost in the process.

AIKON is a credible name in blockchain identity service and it helps users easily verify their identity credentials while using the supporting open ledger services. AIKON provides services in compliance with the various provisions promulgated by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Finer Details

AllianceBlock is aiming to develop the very first decentralized capital market in the world. This is of enormous significance, considering that this will act as a bridge between the traditional financial economy and modern decentralized finance. As part of this project, AllianceBlock is devising various strategies, methods, and protocols that most people can use even without specific knowledge of the domain.

To realize this project, AllianceBlock has now joined hands with AIKON, and this collaboration is expected to result in the implementation of the ORE ID. For your better perspective, the ORE ID is one of the prominent methods in the identity management system developed by AIKON. It is used to provide users a login process to access ecosystems in the blockchain domain.

AllianceBlock is looking to utilize the ORE ID’s competence, and once it is integrated, prospective users from a variety of different domains can easily access the services offered by the AllianceBlock.


The top echelon from both AllianceBlock and AIKON have expressed their delight in this association as it will benefit all stakeholders involved in the blockchain and financial technology domain. The ORE ID integration will provide easy access to blockchain ecosystems, including the one offered by AllianceBlock. This will enhance the blockchain technology’s usability prospects with people from different walks of life who will use the decentralized ledger. This partnership’s success will ultimately depend on the ease of access that this collaboration will provide prospective users with access to various options in the decentralized ledger in a variety of fields, including the financial domain.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.