Aave reveals technical details of GHO Stablecoin

Aave Companies is, in actuality, the centralized body responsible for supervising the prime lending protocol of DeFi. Through a technically based paper, they have revealed the technical detailing of their created GHO Stablecoin. Additionally, they have also made the revelation of a safety auditing exercise carried on. However, the audit report mentions the complete absence of bugs in the codebase.

Along with that, there was also no other form of threat of any kind existing. However, this would be the first-ever audit, giving it a clean chit. Incidentally, this safety audit was duly carried out by the top-of-the-line security firm named Open Zeppelin.

However, Aave happily boasts of being the fourth in number among the prime protocols presently existing. It also takes pride in the fact that it possesses over a figure of $5 billion in terms of total value locked (TVL). Regarding the GHO, its facilitators have the task cut out for them in all matters related to the minting and burning the GHO tokens. The concerned persons at Aave carefully select these facilitators.

Notably, one common factor in all facilitators is the fact that they have their individual and varying methods of making use of the GHO tokens. These very tokens also have the backing of collaterals which invariably over-exceed. The risky factor here is that if the value of collateral decreases, the resultant factor could lead to a liquidation process.

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.